Tuesday 31 January 2017

Showcase: Adeptus Mechanicus - Tech Priest Dominus

Some of you may remember a while back I started an ill-advised foray into Skitarii starting with the Start Collecting box set. Well, I've finally made some progress with it and can proudly present the completed Magos Dominus!

Pause for applause!
I'm thrilled with the way the completed model looks, from his withered right hand to the jars of unidentifiable pink goo on his back. The miniature itself is incredibly detailed, so much so that I was discouraged from painting it for quite some time. That all changed recently when I picked up Belisarius Cawl from the triumvirate of the Imperium set, looking at them in comparison the Magos Dominus suddenly looked very easy to paint! 

Check out that axe!
I haven't had the chance to play too many games with my Skitarii but, so far, I have been impressed with the utility of the Dominus. He's tough enough to avoid that easy warlord kill with a 2+ save, toughness 5, feel no pain and a 5+ invulnerable. Not only that but most of his weapon options are worth taking. Personally I've gone for the eradication ray alongside the macrostubber. The eradication ray fires an ap3 blast at medium range which can be brutal against marines and most other infantry; at short range it changes to a strength 8 ap1 shot which can punch a hole in armoured vehicles. The macrostubber is mostly for fun as it fires five pistol shots, it adds a bit of anti-infantry firepower and can be hilarious on overwatch. He's no slouch in melee either at strength 7 with the power axe.

Praise the Omnissiah!
Painting up an HQ has given me some renewed interest in my Skitarii and I hope to be able to show off a small regiment of rangers soon.


  1. Great work. I know I've always had a tough time taking out the Tech Priest in games against him.

    1. Thanks a lot! He's pretty badass, so much so I often use him to tank shots for my squishy Skitarii!

  2. Awesome work on this model Ed. He is just completely bad ass looking!

    1. Thanks Greg! I'm delighted with the finished result.

  3. I recognize this guy from somewhere... Wasn't it his half painted ass that used to beat up my Necrons on a semi-regular basis? It's a shame that now he's painted he'll start rolling fists full of ones just to spite your effort, or does that only happen to me...

    1. No.......that was someone else......Also, his ass has been replaced by a 'mk5 waste evacuation unit'

    2. And there I was thinking he was standing on some kind of mud; not the semi purified extract from his mk5 buttocks processor. Why do you think you never see a Skitarii with a nose? That's why...
