Friday 7 July 2017

Fugly miniature Friday - Amon of the Thousand Sons

I just got the Forgeworld newsletter including this guy.

Mah name amm Amomm!
Amon of the Thousand Sons, the latest effort in the Horus Heresy character series. Now, in my humble opinion, the Horus Heresy characters seem to run the gambit between very nice detailed models and very hideous detailed models. For me, this guy certainly falls towards the lower end of the spectrum. There's nothing really wrong with the pose or most of the miniature but seriously, that face! He looks like some sort of bio-engineered weasel man!! So much so, that it prompted me to use another recent Forgeworld release (who shall remain nameless) to make the following thing of beauty.

I think it's an improvement
Actually I think this looks so good that I might buy both models just so I can build the conversion.


  1. I need Gopher Chucks!

    The hidden ones should stay hidden! I just hope he comes with a helmet option! (It really is just that head)

    1. There are some things you should never have to see.

  2. Fatty Ratty the marine - I love it!

    1. Now I have to make the conversion just so I can name him Fatty Ratty! He would probably destroy everything on the tabletop too.

    2. Yeah, you know how that one goes. The uglier the model, the better the dice rolls! My most beautiful models? cursed to a man to produce nothing but a fist full of ones.
