Monday 2 October 2017

Painting Skitarii - 500 points complete

I reached an important milestone this weekend with my Adeptus Mechanicus army. Painting a 500 point army to completion.

Sorry for the glare....and the curtains.
I guess thirteen models doesn't seem much to write home about (especially as I completed the bulk of these models this year during Squaduary and Monster March.) But it's very significant for me. Having a fully painted army of a certain value is quite a rare event in my hobby life, so it's definitely one worth documenting.

The final model.
Some of you may recall that when I took part in Squaduary I had painted the rather inadvisable combination of an arc rifle and a plasma caliver for my squad of Skitarii Vanguard. As it turned out, the lack of a second identical weapon really damages the focus of a squad on the tabletop, so I felt I needed a second plasma caliver before I could honestly call the army complete. I painted up the guy above and added him to the vanguard squad for a double dose of hot plasma death!

I'm also taking part in a campaign over the next few months run by my buddy Lewis over at Canis Aureus. The concept is to increase the army size by 250 points per month and play a series of games over a system map of the Charadon Sector. Hopefully this will push me on to complete 750 points by the end of October, which ties in nicely with Dreadtober as I will be painting an Onager Dunecrawler to add to the force.

Stay tuned for more updates on Dreadtober and, with any luck, a fully painted 750 point force in a month's time!


  1. Awesome work! Really nice idea to have a campaign to push you to add more painted models to the army.

    1. Thanks Michael! It's nice to have the double whammy of the campaign and Dreadtober to really give me a shove.

  2. Great. I love that scheeme of colours

  3. I remember those beautiful Kastelans made during Monster March, the event was a funny thing to do! Your army is looking great, I really like the glossy violet-pink, and with that blueish green you have made a cool painting scheme.

    1. Thanks a lot. I love the community painting events, every time I participate I feel like I achieve loads more than I would alone.

  4. How did you do that lovely blue/green?

    1. The blue/green colour is pretty simple. Start with a black undercoat and paint over a couple of coats of Citadel Alaitoc Blue. Then wash with Citadel Biel-Tan Green. That's all there is to it! You can do a second coat of Biel-Tan Green if the first one isn't deep enough for your liking.
