Monday 29 January 2018

Squaduary 2018 - Wargame Exclusive Kataphron Destroyers

Well, it's that time of the year again (if you can say that about something which has only been around for two years?) That's right, Rory over at Stepping Between Games is encouraging us all to paint up a squad of some sort during the month of February. Does he desperately need the motivation of his fellow hobbyists? Or is he just a civic minded chap who wants to help us all cut down on our unpainted piles of shame? Some questions are best left unanswered, after all, a curious mind is a heretical mind.......

At any rate, I digress. If you didn't grasp from that rambling paragraph, I will once again be taking part in Squaduary. Last year I managed to get through a small squad of Skitarii Vanguard and to be honest, I was pretty pleased with myself. This year I will be trying to expand my Adeptus Mechanicus forces again by adding a squad of Kataphron Destroyers.

As some of you may know, I have built and painted a squad of Kataphron Breachers for my Mechanicus previously. To be honest though, I'm not totally in love with the models, even with some minor modifications. So, in order to add something a little different to the army, and provide me with a fresh challenge, enter Wargame Exclusive with their Kataton Destroyers!

Now that's pretty badass!

Wargame Exclusive have been on my radar for a while but I could never really justify buying their miniatures. Then Black Friday came along and these guys were 20% off and well, the rest is history.

Having the models in hand, I have to say that they definitely live up to the images on the website. The details are crisp and there is very little flash that needs to be trimmed off of the components. The only issue that I have is that ideally I want a squad armed with plasma culverins and cognis flamers (because I like to burn things). So some weapon swaps and some minor conversions will be necessary to get things the way I want them. I will also be increasing the base size because I think they will look a little odd perched on a 40mm base (even if the ones supplied are nicely sculpted).

So there you have it, my Squaduary pledge for 2018. Three Kataphron Breachers armed with plasma culverins and cognis flamers. Will I succeed? Or will I be cast down in failure? Only time, and this blog, will tell.


  1. Good plan. I look forward to seeing it come together. Didn't know WE did those.

    1. As it turns out, they do a whole bunch of cool minis. It's not just Xenos and titties!

    2. That should be there tagline. "Wargame Exclusive: No just Xenos and titties!"

    3. Come for the Xenos, stay for the titties??

  2. For the Honour! (I'm fairly sure that's a quote from 5th Element, but it applies in most situations)

  3. I would really like to participate in Squaduary however regrettably am not 100% sure I will be able to devote the time. If it pans out that i can, I will, otherwise I will simply enjoy your progress updates!

    1. Sorry to hear you won't be able to take part. Squaduary was a great motivator for me last year and I hope I will be successful again this time around.
