Monday 13 March 2017

Painting Kastelan Robots - Monster March week 2

Well, another excellent week of progress if I do say so myself! These painting challenges seem to do wonders for the old motivation! Behold the first of my completed Kastelan Robots.

Johnny 5 is alive!
Not only have I managed to paint one of the Kastelans, I've also finished off the datasmith to lead the squad.

This model is just amazing.
As far as the painting goes, the Datasmith proved to be a lot more work than the Kastelan. Another incredibly detailed Mechanicus miniature that was an absolute joy to work with. I'm very pleased with the way both miniatures have turned out, even though I wasn't quite sure what to do with the visor on the Kastelan Robot I'm reasonably happy with it.

Note the vial on the top of the backpack.
In the photo above you can see that I've painted the vial on his backpack using the same method I first attempted on my Magos Dominus. It's challenging for mw to paint something so tiny with a gradiated highlight but I think the final effect is well worth it. I've also deviated slightly with this model as it includes slightly more pink than my other Skitarii; I picked out the cable bundles on his back and head and I think it meshes with the scheme nicely.

Phosphor blasters all the way!
For those who don't know what this whole Monster March thing is all about, it's a month long painting challenge run by Swordmaster over at Path of an Outcast. I've pledged to paint a squad of Kastelans (only one remaining now!) by the end of the month.

If you missed the first part of Monster March you can find it here. Tune in next time to see if I'm still on target or if my inevitable hobby butterflying has led me to paint something completely different!


  1. I really love your green tones on this army Ed. They are gorgeous!

    1. Thanks a lot Greg! It's a couple of layers of green glaze applied over a pale blue basecoat. Quite simple but gives a colour depth that is pleasing to the eye.

    2. Ha, awesome. If it works, is easy, and looks great...that is a winner in my book!

  2. Looking awesome Ed, I like the color choice.

    1. Thanks Joe, now if only I could finish the last one!

  3. I'll be tackling these models for GW Inner Circle event. How did you find the assembly of these models? I was doing some cursing on some parts. The Datasmith has loads of detail. Good job.

    1. Personally I found the assembly pretty straightforward. The first one (pictured above) I built in a more static pose so that I could get used to the kit. I went for a more dynamic pose on the second one (still on the painting block) twisting the waist/hip joints so it looks like it's firing on the move.

      I absolutely adore the datasmith, having painted him I think he might be my favourite model in the Skitarii/AdMech range so far!
